HR Practitioner

DCIPS is a management system that provides the DoD Intelligence Components with the human resources tools necessary to achieve the military intelligence and national intelligence missions. The human resources tools are robust and compliment one another to create a streamlined and effective way to manage DoD's greatest assets - its employees.

As an HR practitioner, you have the opportunity to help shape the success of DCIPS. You are involved in creating a flexible, modern workforce management system. In working with DCIPS, HR practitioners help transform the future of human resources. You can influence how people are recruited, developed, deployed and retained for years to come.

How Does HR help in the transformation to DCIPS?

Image of several people attending a meetingSenior leaders, managers, supervisors and employees look to you to analyze and interpret the new policies and guidelines for DCIPS. They need you to help them understand the changes from where they are now to DCIPS, and how these changes affect their work life. They look to you to find simple and workable procedures for implementation. You play a key "Change Agent" role in supporting the transition to DCIPS. During conversion and beyond, you will need to arm yourself with the facts necessary to dispel misconceptions and deflate rumors about DCIPS and how the system works. People are naturally concerned about change. By sharing information and promoting common understanding of the roll out of DCIPS, you can help employees acclimate to and adopt the new DCIPS environment and culture.



What Should You Communicate?

Be sure to address the following topics with your serviced organizations.

Emphasize What is Not Changing
There are many important protections and rights that are not changing under DCIPS. Take time to emphasize them:

  • Merit system principles
  • Rules against prohibited personnel practices
  • Whistleblower protection
  • Veterans' preference
  • Benefits (retirement, health, life, etc.)
  • Anti-discrimination laws
  • Fundamental due process
  • Allowances and travel/subsistence expenses
  • Training
  • Leave and work schedules

Emphasize "No Loss of Pay" During Conversion
Reassure employees that they do not lose pay as they migrate to the new system. In fact, some may receive a pay increase. In many cases, employees will receive a salary increase equal to the amount they have earned towards their next Within Grade Increase (WGI). This is known as the "WGI buy-in". Employees receive a prorated buy-in for within grade increases when they are placed into the system. After that, those funds will become part of the monies available for performance payouts.

Emphasize Employee Rights are Protected
Under DCIPS, employees retain critical rights such as due process, whistleblower protections and protection against illegal discrimination. The merit system's principles and protection against prohibited personnel practices are preserved under DCIPS.

Explain to Managers and Supervisors that they have Greater HR Flexibilities Under DCIPS pay-for-performance, they have greater opportunities to recognize and reward high performers. Many HR processes are simplified and shortened.

Direct Employees to Sources for Training Opportunities and Current Information Classroom and online training classes, policy documents and guidelines are available to support your organization through the DCIPS transition. Training details will be announced through your chain of command and other channels when they are finalized.

Proactive HR Consulting

Image of several people in a meeting listening to the presenterThe implementation of DCIPS provides ample opportunity for the creative, flexible HR practitioner to play a significant role in transforming the organizational culture. Everyone needs your consulting skills in dealing with the following HR processes:

  • Converting employees to appropriate work levels and pay bands
  • Advising on performance planning and understanding the performance management system
  • Explaining and reinforcing new concepts surrounding career progression
  • Understanding pay pool administration

DCIPS creates new responsibilities and opportunities for you. You have the chance to learn new skills, and provide your serviced organizations with a more flexible system that allows all employees to achieve higher levels of performance. Remember, change provides opportunities for growth and development.

  • Converting employees to appropriate work levels and pay bands
  • Advising on performance planning and understanding the performance management system
  • Explaining and reinforcing new concepts surrounding career progression
  • Understanding pay pool administration

DCIPS creates new responsibilities and opportunities for you. You have the chance to learn new skills, and provide your serviced organizations with a more flexible system that allows all employees to achieve higher levels of performance. Remember, change provides opportunities for growth and development.