Senior Leaders

Several employees in a meeting

As a senior leader, you are critical to the success of DCIPS. You are responsible for helping bridge the gap between the overall concepts represented by DCIPS and how they apply to your organization. Your employees will turn to you for assistance with understanding and implementing DCIPS.

Preparing Your Organization

Determine how prepared your organization is to implement DCIPS. You want to:

  • Identify the major elements of DCIPS and what your staff can do now to prepare for DCIPS.
  • Get a sense of what they currently know about DCIPS.
  • Determine the support and training that you need to provide.
  • Monitor the quality of communication among your employees and supervisors.
  • Listen for misinformation and myths and correct them before they circulate too widely.
  • Solicit feedback from your staff.

Once you know what your organization is doing to prepare for DCIPS and the transition to performance management, you can help your managers and supervisors access available resources and provide leadership to make the transition a smooth one.

Making Resources Available

Actively pursue information to gain a better understanding of DCIPS. Share what you have learned with your staff to show your support and build credibility for yourself and for DCIPS.

Keep current by reading the latest information about DCIPS.

  • Visit the DCIPS web site on a regular basis.
  • Read DCIPS policy Subchapters when they become available.
  • Meet frequently with your HR professionals and your local DCIPS Program Office.

Also consider reviewing the following documents:

  • 2007 Strategic Intent for the Defense Intelligence Enterprise
  • National Intelligence Strategy
  • The IC Five Year Strategic Human Capital Plan

Leading the Transition

One of the most important ways you can lead your organization in adopting DCIPS is by modeling your commitment, sharing resources, providing reliable and consistent information to all employees, and making yourself available through meetings, conversations and ongoing communications. Use these ideas to get started:

  • Assist managers and supervisors with identifying ways to assess their current managerial and supervisory skills so they know where to focus their attention.
    Begin to work with your supervisors and managers to enhance their skills in communication and performance management. Look for resources for federal managers that are available to share. - Look here for items such as a downloadable pay-for-performance guide for federal managers.

  • Highlight the work of supervisors who model the skills needed for success under DCIPS.
    Work with your managers to ensure these supervisors are getting the recognition they deserve. Highlight their efforts whenever possible and consider using these successful supervisors to serve as mentors. Develop a community of practice to share lessons learned, what works and what needs improvement.

  • Schedule informal sessions to answer questions and address concerns.
    Put together a 5 to 10 minute presentation on DCIPS topics to get the conversation started. Do not be afraid to admit that you do not have all the answers. Gather the questions and concerns and make a commitment to get back to your staff when you have more information. The more time you and your managers and supervisors spend discussing DCIPS, the more your staff will understand and accept it and realize that you are committed to this important change.

  • Take time to answer quick questions in the hallway.
    As a trusted source, it is important that you are willing and open to share what you know.

  • Host open office hours.
    Let people know you are available to answer their questions about DCIPS. Identify set times you will be available and publish your schedule.

  • Share what you know.
    As you identify resources and information that you feel will help your organization, send out the information through email, post it on the appropriate websites and distribute it so that your staff has access.