Performance Management        

  • Introduction to DCIPS Performance Management for Military Supervisors - PDF version of the Web Based Training that targets military raters, reviewers, and supervisors of DCIPS employees. This course highlights major differences between military evaluation systems and DCIPS, their roles and responsibilities throughout the performance evaluation period, and explains the process and the standards by which all employees are evaluated.
  • Putting Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes (1 hour) - Web Based Training that provides strategies to improve communication.
    AGILE course listing USD(I&S) DCIPS: Putting Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes (COURSE USDI-DCIPS-DCILP).
  • Rater Consistency Handbook (Guide for Facilitator) - Assists the facilitator/leader of the rater consistency discussions to help management teams in understanding and implementing rater consistency. It is highly recommended that this handbook be facilitated by Performance Management leaders (PM PRA) and HR representatives, after review with the OUSD(I&S) HCMO.
  • Rater Consistency Handbook (Guide for Attendee) - Assists management teams in understanding and implementing rater consistency. This can be used by attendees during a facilitated discussion.
  • FY2023 How Do I guide

  • Performance Appraisal Application (PAA) Single Block Option Training

  • How to Update the Single Block Option for Individuals in your Pay Pool ID – for Annual Appraisals and Midpoint Reviews

  • The Key to Leading Your Mission (1 hour) - Web Based Training that reviews leader's critical roles in establishing, communicating, and implementing a strategy to guide a performance culture.
    AGILE course listing USD(I&S) DCIPS: The Key to Leading Your Mission (COURSE USDI-DCIPS-DCIDC).

  • Setting Performance Expectations (1 hour) - Web Based Training that explains how to translate standards into meaningful expectations.
    AGILE course listing USD(I&S) DCIPS: Setting Performance Expectations (COURSE USDI-DCIPS-DCISA).

  • Overcoming Challenges in Writing Performance Objectives (1 hour) - Web Based Training that explores possible solutions to common challenges learners may encounter when writing objectives.
  • iSuccess: Writing SMART Performance Objectives and a Self Report of Accomplishments (1 hour) - Web Based Training that provides a step-by-step approach for writing SMART performance objectives, also addressing performance elements, and a self report of accomplishments.
    AGILE course listing USD(I&S) DCIPS: iSuccess: Writing SMART Performance Objectives & Self Report of Accomplishments (COURSE USDI-DCIPS-DCIHE).

  • COACH for Success (1 hour) - Web Based Training that provides a model and process for effective coaching.
    AGILE course listing USD(I&S) DCIPS: COACH for Success (COURSE USDI-DCIPS-DCICA).

  • Managing Your Manager (1 hour) - Web Based Training that provides employees tips on how to improve communication with their managers.
    AGILE course listing USD(I&S) DCIPS: Managing Your Manager (COURSE USDI-DCIPS-DCIDD).

  • Evaluating Performance and Preparing Performance Narratives (1 hour) - Web Based Training that describes how to rate performance objectives and elements consistently and fairly.
    AGILE course listing USD(I&S) DCIPS: Evaluating Performance & Preparing Performance Narratives (COURSE USDI-DCIPS-DCICB).

  • How to Hold a Formal Feedback Review (1 hour) - Web Based Training that outlines the steps to take when preparing for the feedback review, during the feedback review, and after.
    AGILE course listing USD(I&S) DCIPS: How to Hold a Formal Feedback Review (COURSE USDI-DCIPS-DCICC).


    Web-based Training

  • DCIPS Pay Pools, Performance, and You (1.5 hours) - Web Based Training that explains how performance management and the pay pool process are designed to ensure that employees are appropriately recognized and rewarded.
    Please Note: AGILE course listing USD(I) DCIPS: Pay Pools, Performance, and You (COURSE USDI-DCIPS-DCIJE).

Compensation Workbench (CWB) Training with Notes and Audio - Updated 2019
(To hear audio narration, view PowerPoint slides in "Slide Show" mode)


The full suite of DCIPS training focuses on interactive, engaging and concise learning products. Please contact your training representative for additional information and to schedule instructor-led workshops. You may also begin taking a web-based training course by selecting from the list below.

You may also select one of the roadmaps below to see a list of recommended courses specific to your responsibility in DCIPS. The roadmaps highlight the general roles and responsibilities in DCIPS. If you have a special role to play, such as pay pool participants or HR specialists, see the section of the course listing below for Pay Pools and HR Practitioner courses.

Employee Roadmap

Supervisor/Manager Roadmap

Leader Roadmap

To see complete descriptions of the courses to include course summary, intended audience and course length, select the DCIPS Curriculum Course List.



Most of the Web Based Training is available on the Advanced Global Intelligence Learning Environment (AGILE) Learning Management System (LMS) website. You are required to have an AGILE account to access OUSD(I) DCIPS training in AGILE. Please refer to the How to Create an Agile Account.pdf for instructions on creating an account. AGILE LMS allows you to search for keywords such as OUSDI or DCIPS to view all courses related to DCIPS training.



Who are the intelligence components of the Department of Defense?
The Department of Defense Intelligence Components are organizations that perform national intelligence, defense intelligence, and intelligence-related functions, include:
  • Defense Intelligence Agency
  • National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  • National Reconnaissance Office
  • National Security Agency/Central Security Service
  • Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
  • Intelligence elements of the Active and Reserve components of the Military Departments and any successor to the components specified above.
What is DCIPS and why do we need it?
  • The Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) is the human resources management system for the Department of Defense (DoD) intelligence components and other intelligence positions as designated by the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.
  • DCIPS strengthens our ability to face the ever-changing demands placed on the intelligence community.
  • We need a single human resources system for Defense intelligence that appropriately recognizes and rewards our employees- performance and contributions.
  • We need better tools to attract and retain high-quality employees.
  • DCIPS is part of the initiative to establish common standards for the intelligence community’s personnel as described in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) of 2004.
Where does DCIPS derives its authority?
DCIPS derives its authority from Title 10 of the U.S. Code and utilizes a common excepted service civilian personnel authority for its civilian intelligence positions within DoD.
In the policy development of pay for performance under DCIPS, was the Senior Executive Service Management System considered?
Yes. In the formation of the DCIPS Pay for Performance System, all current Federal programs, to include the Senior Executive system, were considered. Best practices, as well as lessons learned, from several different pay for performance programs were incorporated into the DCIPS model as appropriate.
How does DCIPS relate to the Pay Modernization effort at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)?
The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)) and the DCIPS Implementation Team are working closely with ODNI to integrate the personnel flexibilities needed to support the changing landscape of our Nation-s intelligence needs. DCIPS policies and practices are aligned with appropriate consideration of the DNI IC-s Human Capital Strategy.
How does DCIPS differ from the National Security Personnel System?
  • DCIPS derives its authority from Title 10 of the U.S. Code and utilizes a common excepted service civilian personnel authority for its civilian intelligence positions within DoD. The majority of DoD, by contrast, uses Title 5 authority for the administration of its civilian positions.
  • There are a number of differences between DCIPS and NSPS, to include pay band structures, performance rating processes, performance payouts, etc.
  • Although further conversions to NSPS were recently suspended, the Administration has reaffirmed its support for pay-for-performance systems, and in particular DCIPS. The conversion of intelligence positions to DCIPS is ongoing.
Why don't any of the DCIPS Volumes address benefits, entitlements, or leave?

DCIPS uses the leave, benefits, and entitlement programs that are common to all federal employees, to include annual and sick leave, retirement, health and life insurance, etc. In such areas, since there are no DCIPS-unique programs, there are no specific DCIPS volumes written, so DCIPS employees are covered by the OPM and DoD issuances which cover all employees.

In the areas of annual and sick leave, 5 USC 6301 provides definitions for the purpose of Chapter 63 Subchapter I and the Federal annual and sick leave programs in sections 6303 and 6307. The definition of "employee" in that section points to 5 USC 2015, which is the broadest definition of an employee in the civil service. That definition does not specifically exclude DCIPS employees, so the Federal annual and sick leave programs in sections 6303 and 6307 of Title 5 apply to DCIPS employees.

What is the occupational structure of DCIPS?
  • Mission categories, occupational groups, work categories, work levels and pay bands comprise the DCIPS occupational structure.
  • A common occupational structure promotes consistency across the Defense Intelligence Enterprise and the Intelligence Community
What are mission categories and occupational groups?
  • Mission categories broadly classify work as it aligns to budget categories for the National Intelligence Program and the Military Intelligence Program.
  • Mission categories include Collection and Operations; Processing and Exploitation; Analysis and Production; Research and Technology; Enterprise Information Technology; Enterprise Management and Support; and Mission Management.
  • Occupational groups include positions that have similar qualifications and career patterns.
What are DCIPS work categories?
  • Work categories are broad sets of work that cross all related occupational groups and are characterized by common qualifications and types of work.
  • There are three DCIPS work categories - Supervision/Management; Professional; and, Technician/Administrative Support.
How are work levels established in DCIPS?
  • Work levels are designed to define work in terms of increasing complexity, span of authority and responsibility, level of supervision (received or exercised), scope and impact of decisions, and work relationships associated with a particular work category.
  • There are four DCIPS work levels - Expert (Level 4); Senior (Level 3); Full Performance (Level 2); and Entry/Developmental (Level 1).
Does DCIPS have more than one pay band in its occupational structure?
Yes, DCIPS has five pay bands.
I'm familiar with the term "GS" for the General Schedule pay plan. What does the term "IA" mean?
The designator "IA" denotes the pay plan for the DCIPS Pay Bands. It applies to all positions included in the five pay bands of the DCIPS occupational structure.
The Combat Support Agencies (NSA, NGA and DIA) frequently receive taskings and guidance from offices of the DoD Director of Administration and Washington Headquarters Services (WHS), since they consider us to be in the "Fourth Estate". However, those issuances often don't apply to our DCIPS employees. Are we part of the Fourth Estate, or not?

The Combat Support Agencies are part of the Fourth Estate, as defined in DoD Instruction 1402.03 Volume 1 and other places in DoD policy. The Fourth Estate is a collective term that refers to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities in DoD that are not in the Military Departments or the Combatant Commands, except for the DoD Inspector General.

Many of the DoD civilian personnel policy volumes give responsibility to the DoD Director of Administration and WHS for all aspects of personnel administration of employees in the DoD Fourth Estate entities that do not have their own full independent appointing authority, and responsibility in other areas for all of the Fourth Estate. Many of the issuances you receive from WHS will specifically pertain to title 5 employees of DoD Fourth Estate organizations (GS, SES, SL, and/or ST employees), and would naturally exclude your DCIPS workforce because your Components exercise independent DCIPS appointing authority using your own secure human resources information systems. The key is to read carefully the issuances from WHS and DoD Director of Administration to determine if they apply to your Component or not, and to contact the HCMO if you aren't sure.

How is band placement determined at the time of conversion?
  • Technician/Administrative Support positions, GG-01 through GG-07, will convert to pay band 1. Those at the GG-08 through GG-10 level will convert to pay band 2. GG-11 and above will convert to pay band 3.
  • Positions at any grade in the Technician/Administrative work category whose primary responsibilities are supervisory will normally convert to pay band 3. However, when the work supervised is predominantly work level 1, the position shall convert to pay band 2.
  • Professional work category positions, GG-05 through GG-10, will convert to pay band 2.
  • Professional and Supervisory/Management positions, GG-11 through GG-12, will convert to pay band 3. Those at the GG-13/01 and 13/02 levels will convert to pay band 3. Employees at the GG-13/03 through 13/12 and those at the GG-14 level will convert to pay band 4. Those at the GG-15 level will convert to pay band 5.
Does this method of determining band placement continue after conversion?
No. The rules above are for conversion purposes only. New positions must be classified using the DCIPS work category and work level criteria to determine the appropriate pay band.
Do I need to do anything to ensure my position converts to the consolidated DCIPS pay bands?
No. Conversion happens automatically based on your permanent position of record. You may, however, visit the DCIPS website ( to learn more about the DCIPS occupational structure and to utilize the conversion calculator to determine your actual band placement upon conversion.
My position does not seem to clearly align to the DCIPS structure. What should I do?
It is recommended that you first speak to your supervisor to verify that your current position description is properly classified. If there are additional questions, your servicing personnel office should be able to assist with the conversion determination. In rare situations, a component may need to contact OUSD(I) to determine if a waiver to the conversion guidelines is warranted.
I am currently in a career ladder position with promotion potential to the GG-12 level. At the time of conversion, will my placement in the band be based on my current grade level or the target grade level of my position?
You will be converted into the pay band structure according to your current grade. Any career ladder promotion(s) and accompanying pay increase(s) that would have been granted under the graded system will continue if requirements are met.
My position was converted to NSPS but has been identified for conversion to DCIPS. How will my conversion be handled?
As you have already converted to a banded system, it will be necessary for your servicing personnel office to classify your current position using DCIPS work category and work level information to determine your appropriate placement in the DCIPS pay band structure. You will not receive a WGI Buy-in as you are already part of a pay banded system.
Will basic civil service protections be preserved - such as whistleblower protections, equal access, prohibition against favoritism, and veterans- preference?
Yes. In its enactment in 1996, DCIPS has fully affirmed employees- core civil service protections such as merit systems principles, veterans- preference, whistleblower protection, and due process. The implementation of DCIPS does not change these protections.
How does DCIPS impact the Fair Labor Standards Act?
Not at all. FLSA provisions remain unchanged.
Does DCIPS impact who maintains my official personnel file or how I receive my paycheck?
No, you will continue to receive personnel support in the same manner as it was provided prior to DCIPS conversion. Likewise, the manner in which you have effected your payroll withholdings, allotments, etc., and have received your paychecks will not change
How does a General Pay Increase (GPI) and locality adjustment affect my pay?
  • Under DCIPS, General Pay Increase (GPI) is equivalent to the GPI that is provided to General Schedule employees.
  • Under DCIPS, locality pay has been replaced by Local Market Supplements (LMS). DCIPS LMS is tied to General Schedule locality pay areas and the associated locality rates.
How does the process of setting performance objectives work?
You are encouraged to propose objectives and have an open dialogue with your rating official. The rating official considers this information when setting the final objectives. The performance plan and IDP are final when the rating official communicates them to you in writing following approval by the reviewing official. Performance elements, standards or work objectives cannot be grieved or appealed.
I will be employed overseas. How does Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) impact my DCIPS pay?
Under DCIPS, you will receive COLA and any other benefits or allowances applicable to your OCONUS work location in addition to your basic pay.
As a DCIPS employee in a graded structure, will I receive within grade increases (WGIs)?
  • Within-grade increases (WGIs) or step increases are equivalent to the WGIs that are provided to General Schedule employees.
  • Employees at the step 10 level or above of their grade are not eligible for receive a WGI.
  • Employees on pay retention are ineligible for a WGI.
How will I advance within my pay band?
Increases to salary within a band will be determined during the pay pool process and will be dependent upon a number of factors, to include your performance rating, position in the pay band, distribution of salaries and performance ratings of other employees within the same pay pool, and the pay pool budget.
How are grade and pay retention handled under DCIPS?
  • Because the DCIPS occupational structure is comprised of pay bands instead of grades, grade retention is no longer necessary.
  • Employees on grade retention at the time of conversion will continue to receive the rate of pay that correlates to the employee-s retained grade and step. If the employee-s converted base salary exceeds the rate range for the assigned pay band, the employee will receive indefinite pay retention under DCIPS.
  • An employee on pay retention will convert to DCIPS based on the pay of the permanent position of record. If, after conversion, the employee-s base salary exceeds the rate range for the assigned pay band, the employee will be placed on indefinite pay retention until the rate range for the employee-s pay band encompasses the employee-s salary.
Under DCIPS, is my position eligible to receive a special salary rate?
  • Components of the Defense Intelligence Enterprise in the DCIPS graded and banded structures do not utilize special salary rates which are authorized by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
  • DCIPS guidance intends for the Defense Intelligence Components to utilize title 10 pay setting flexibilities to remain competitive with their title 5 competitive service counterparts.
What happens to my retirement, health insurance, and other benefits when I convert to DCIPS?
DCIPS does not impact the rules governing retirement benefits and eligibility, health and life insurance, leave, attendance, or other similar benefits.
Under DCIPS, are employees eligible for a Targeted Local Market Supplement (TLMS)?
  • Targeted Local Market Supplement (TLMS) is a type of local market supplement that may be implemented within the DCIPS pay band and grade structure under certain circumstances.
  • These circumstances include specified local market areas (or worksites) that are a subset of or that cross established locality area boundaries as well as specific occupations or specializations that require separate interventions to ensure that qualified employees can be hired and retained in support of the intelligence mission.
  • The USD(I) may, in conjunction with the USD(P&R), set, modify, or eliminate, as needed, a TLMS.
DCIPS Volume 2005 limits term appointments and extensions to a total of 5 years, including situations where a term employee is promoted, reassigned, or reduced in work level, pay band, or grade, to another term position. Does selecting a term employee to another term appointment on a different position in the same or different Command trigger a new start date for the 5-year clock?
No, Volume 2005 does not recognize being selected to a new term appointment on a different position in the same Component as a reason to start a new 5-year term limit clock. As currently written, total combined service under a term appointment cannot exceed the maximum 5-year time limitation, even after being moved to another term position. While the 5-year limit is designed to accommodate short-term requirements that last longer than one year, we have seen some term requirements extend well beyond what was originally expected, such as support to combat operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other conflict zones. Exceptions to DCIPS policy can be approved to allow extensions beyond 5 years for such circumstances that require them. We expect to revise Volume 2005 to allow the USD(I) or designee to grant term appointment extensions beyond 5 years where needed, without the need for an exception to DCIPS policy.
Can a component still establish developmental positions under DCIPS?
  • Yes, developmental positions may be established through the full performance level. As the work level for full performance under DCIPS is level 2, this means that developmental positions may be established in the Professional work category through pay band 3.
  • Developmental positions may not be established in pay band 4 or 5 as the work level for each of those bands is established only at the Senior and Expert levels.
  • The establishment of developmental positions must be accomplished as part of a formal component program and approved by OUSD(I).
  • As part of that developmental program, an employee may be promoted noncompetitively to the established full performance work level for the work category.
I have a critical vacancy in a Professional work category in pay band 3. There are several seemingly qualified individuals in the Professional work category in pay band 2. Can I simply promote one of those individuals to pay band 3?
No. Under DCIPS, advancement from one pay band to another is a promotion and normally requires competition. There are some specific exceptions to this rule but in this situation the position must be opened to competition.
As a supervisor, do I retain my ability under DCIPS to reassign employees within a particular band?
Yes, you have the flexibility to reassign an employee at the same band level. These actions can normally be made noncompetitively. However, in some cases, such as reassigning an individual from a position in the Technician/Administrative Support work category to a position in the Professional work category, both in pay band 3, the new position must be filled competitively as it provides higher pay band potential. There are no permanent pay increases for reassignments to another DCIPS position in the same band.
I have a vacant position that needs to be filled on a temporary basis. Can I temporarily promote or detail an individual to fill it?
  • You may detail an individual to the position but temporary promotions, i.e., temporary assignments with an increase in pay, are not used under DCIPS.
  • The employee-s assumption of additional duties should be documented by an appropriate detail personnel action and clearly noted in his/her performance appraisal. By doing so, the employee is assured of consideration for a potential performance-based pay increase or bonus for his/her additional contributions during the annual pay pool process.
There were provisions in the old GG system to promote an individual as a result of an accretion of duties. Can this still be accomplished under DCIPS?
  • Yes, a noncompetitive promotion may still be effected as a result of additional duties and responsibilities assigned to the position.
  • The component must ensure that the additional duties do not adversely affect another position and that the employee meets all eligibility requirements (or qualifications) for the higher work level.
I still have questions regarding hiring flexibilities under DCIPS. Who should I contact?
Each DCIPS component is responsible for developing its individual staffing procedures. You should contact your servicing human resources office or your component-s DCIPS point of contact for additional information.
For personal reasons, I found it necessary to take a position in a lower band. If a position similar to my original position becomes available, will it be necessary for me to compete for that position?
You may compete for the position if it is announced or, at the component-s discretion, you may be reappointed without competition.
I was employed by a competitive service organization prior to my appointment to a DCIPS position. Does this mean that I can no longer apply for positions that are open to "status" candidates only?
  • If you attained competitive status as a result of having been continuously employed by a competitive service organization for three or more years, you will remain eligible for consideration for positions that are open to status candidates only.
  • If you do not possess competitive status, you may apply for positions that are advertised as "open all sources" or "open to the public."
How are trial periods handled under DCIPS?
  • All employees newly appointed to DCIPS will be required to serve a two-year DCIPS trial period.
  • An employee serving a trial period at the time of conversion into DCIPS pay bands will complete the trial period in the new position and will be deemed to have completed a DCIPS trial period.
  • Current Intelligence Community (IC) employees who are in a trial period, and who are appointed to a DCIPS position, will finish their trial period in the DCIPS appointment and will be deemed to have completed a DCIPS trial period.
  • Employees who have served a trial period in another IC organization are not required to serve another trial period.
When does the DCIPS evaluation period occur?
The evaluation period for all employees under DCIPS is 1 October through 30 September of each year.
Why are ODNI performance elements posted on the DCIPS website?
The six performance elements are standard across the intelligence community and measure "how" employees complete their objectives. These are six global-attributed behaviors that apply to all employees.
How does the process of setting performance objectives work?
You are encouraged to propose objectives and have an open dialogue with your rating official. The rating official considers this information when setting the final objectives. The performance plan and IDP are final when the rating official communicates them to you in writing following approval by the reviewing official. Performance elements, standards or work objectives cannot be grieved or appealed.
Can components develop a standard objective for employees in like positions?
Components are discouraged from developing standard performance objectives for employees because objectives must be tailored to the unique responsibilities and assignments of individual employees and provide the specific objectives that each is expected to accomplish. Employees and supervisors are encouraged to use iSuccess, an on-line application tool, to help develop effective job objectives. iSuccess is a self-paced, interactive course that uses a step-by-step approach, as well as a "virtual coach" and "virtual employees" to teach employees how to write SMART performance objectives and self-assessments.
Can I receive a rating of "Outstanding" even if my supervisor does not rate me as a 5 on each performance objective and each performance element?
Yes. The overall rating is an average of the performance element rating and the performance objective rating. An overall rating of 4.6 or higher will result in an Evaluation of Record of "Outstanding."
What is the impact of an unacceptable rating?
If an employee receives a rating of "1" on any performance objective, the overall evaluation of record is a rating of "Unacceptable." However, the supervisor should complete the evaluation to document the employee-s performance for the record. There is no entitlement to an annual increase (the DCIPS "floor"), local market supplement, performance-based increase or bonus.
How will feedback at the end of the year be handled?
Feedback is an essential element in the DCIPS performance management process and will help to make employees more aware of how their performance is being evaluated. Meaningful dialogue throughout the evaluation period is encouraged and the midpoint review is an excellent opportunity to reinforce employee strengths and correct weaknesses. After the appraisal has been approved by the reviewing official and Performance Management (PM) Performance Review Authority (PRA), the rating official will discuss the final evaluation of record and performance for the year with the employee. The rating official should be prepared to discuss the employee-s accomplishments, as well as any areas that may be deficient or need attention, and use their own written narrative to explain the logic behind the rating.
Who will provide oversight to the performance management process?
DCIPS requires appointment of a Performance Management (PM) Performance Review Authority (PRA) as part of the process. Typically the PM PRA is a senior executive, senior employee, or board of executives within the chain of command of the employee. The PM PRA reviews and approves ratings at the end of the evaluation period for consistency across the organization.
Once I move to the pay-for-performance system, will I continue to be eligible for special act, on-the-spot and time off awards?
Under DCIPS, the pay pool process serves as the primary mechanism for recognizing and rewarding employee performance. However, DCIPS policy on awards does provide for honorary and limited monetary awards outside of the pay pool process.
What next steps must the DoD Intelligence Community take in order to advance DCIPS?
  • The DCIPS Implementation Team - consisting of representatives from each organization - meets weekly to continue to develop and refine requirements.
  • The requirements are being issued in the form of Volumes. Four Volumes have been signed thus far as Final or Interim Final policies - DCIPS Introduction (Volume 2001), DCIPS Pay Administration (Volume 2006), Occupational Structure (Volume 2007), and Performance Management (Volume 2011).
  • Additional volumes are pending release and cover topics such as recruitment and staffing, workforce reshaping and professional development.
When and how will I receive additional information about DCIPS?
  • The DCIPS website is updated on a regular basis with key information and additional frequently asked questions (FAQs).
  • The same website is available on the Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet), Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) and the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System (JWICS).
  • Communication efforts are ongoing and training is being developed and will be available to employees and supervisors prior to conversion.
When will DCIPS be fully implemented?
Converting the entire DoD Intelligence Enterprise to all aspects of DCIPS will take approximately 2-3 years. Conversion of all components will be completed by October 2009 with some individual positions to be converted by February 2010. The first DCIPS performance-related payouts will occur in January 2010; January 2011 will be the first payout that will include all DCIPS components and positions.
What is the IC Civilian Joint Duty (JD) Program (JDP)?
It is the civilian personnel rotation program designed specifically for employees of the IC. It is similar to the joint duty program designed for the military services. It offers civilian professional opportunities to enhance their careers by experiencing the intelligence enterprise beyond their home elements. The JD program helps to develop intelligence professionals who value and foster collaboration.
Why should I participate?
The Joint Duty Program offers distinct career advantages for participants, including rewarding experiences, leadership development, and networking. The program offers these opportunities:
  • Better understanding of the scope and complexity of the IC
  • Opportunities to expand professional networks through interagency collaboration
  • Opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of other IC organizations as well as see how your organization fits into the overall intelligence framework.
What will this experience provide to my home organization when I return?
A JDR offers your employing agency a more valuable and more experienced intelligence professional with expanded networks in other IC organizations.
Who is eligible to participate in a JD Rotation (JDR)?
All government intelligence professionals, starting at GG-11 (or equivalents) who work in the IC, are eligible to participate in the Joint Duty Program, with their home elements approval.
How do I find out more about the JOINT DUTY PROGRAM?
Each IC element has a JD Program Manager, and that person is the best sources of information. Many elements also have a Joint Duty Program website to provide agency-specific information for their employees. JDPM contact information, JD vacancies, and other information can be found on the ODNI JD website (JWICS): or the unclassified website:
What is a Joint Duty Qualifying Experience (JDQE)?
It is an assignment/detail that has a focus on intelligence policy, program, managerial, analytical, or operational responsibilities. Additionally, the experience is at an intelligence organization or an organization that provides relevant experience. The key is that the experience provides a wider understanding of the missions and functions of the IC or the IC’s relationships with relevant organizations outside the IC, and develops a broader knowledge or the operations and management of the IC.
How can JD credit be earned?
As an IC employee, you can earn JD credit by: 1. taking an assignment to another IC element or to an organization outside the IC that will provide a JDQE; 2. earning a degree as a full time student at the National Intelligence University (see Joint Duty Policy eligibility specific dates); and, 3. Deploying as a civilian to a designated combat zone. Additionally, previous assignments prior to becoming an IC employee may be evaluated to determine if a JDQE was met.
How do I apply for a JDR?
Contact your JD Program Manager for specific processes for your organization.
How do I find out what JDRs are available?
The best source for vacancies is the IC JD website:
Can I apply for more than one JDR at a time?
Yes you can! If you find several opportunities you believe are good matches, you can send an application for each. Of course, you can only accept one offer.
Can I apply for a JDR that is above or below my current grade?
Possibly. Each JD vacancy announcement has a primary/target grade listed, but on the application there may be other grade areas considered. If only one grade is listed that is above/below your current grade, you can always contact the POC listed on the vacancy to see if they would be willing to consider your application.
Do I need a JD credit for promotion?
Generally, no, you do not. Some organizations consider JD credit a quality ranking factor; other organizations do require a JD credit for promotion to a certain grade. However, before being elevated to a senior position (DISES or DISL) a JD credit is mandatory.
How many JD credits do I need?
Technically you need only one, but we encourage taking JD opportunities through the course of your career.
How will an appraisal and any pay increase or bonus be handled for an employee detailed to a joint duty assignment (JDA)?
An employee detailed to a JDA of 90 days or more will be evaluated by the gaining element, i.e., the component to which detailed, with input from their parent organization. The employee will be considered for a permanent salary increase in the parent organization-s pay pool process, but considered for a bonus by the gaining element. If the employee has been on a JDA for fewer than 90 days, the employee will be evaluated by their parent organization and considered for both a permanent salary increase and bonus by the parent organization based on that evaluation.
Can I take a rotational assignment in a related private sector company?
Possibly. DoD Instruction 1322.06, Fellowships, Scholarships, Training With Industry, and Grants for DoD Personnel, provides Departmental policy on how DoD employees may be temporarily detailed to a private sector company.
Is the Training With Industry (TWI) program for uniformed military or civilians?
The DoDI 1322.06 is applicable to both military and civilians.
What is the purpose of TWI?
It is a program that provides training and development opportunities to government employees in the private sector to learn other procedures and practices not available through existing education programs or established training/education programs.
In DoD, who is ultimately responsible for the TWI program.
The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness sets the TWI policy.
How long can a TWI assignment last?
TWI assignment should not exceed 12 months.
Is a specific Memorandum of Understanding used?
There must be a written agreement between the private sector host, the employee, and the component before the assignment begins.
Is there any other documentation needed?
For civilians participating in the TWI program that exceed 26 weeks, the employee shall sign an agreement to continue service within the DoD for a minimum period of three times the length of the TWI assignment.
What happens at the end of the TWI assignment?
The parent organization should preplan what position back at the parent organization the employee will be assigned, documenting how the newly acquired skills/knowledge will be used.
OUSDI Foreign Language within DIE Reference - 2016 Update

What is the Defense Language Program?
The Defense Language Program informs senior leaders on critical languages needed to support the various missions of the DoD, and the capabilities it must generate and manage to be able to accomplish the mission. The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) is the primary basic language acquisition training facility, and is mandated to provide foreign language education and operational training needs for the DoD. In August 2016, the DoD added Regional Expertise and Culture (REC) as enduring critical competencies essential to the DoD mission and renamed the program the Defense Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) Program.
Who Governs The Defense LREC Program?
The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Readiness (OUSD(P&R)) is responsible for providing overall policy guidance for the Defense LREC Program. The USD(P&R) appoints the DoD Senior Language Authority (SLA) who chairs the Defense Language Steering Committee (DLSC). The DLSC is comprised of General/Flag Officer or Senior Executive Service (or equivalent) designated SLAs and representatives from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Offices, COCOMs, Military Departments and Defense Agencies. The Defense Language Action Panel (DLAP) supports the activities, functions, and responsibilities of the DLSC. The membership of the DLAP mirrors and supports the roles and functions of the DLSC. The Defense Language and National Security Education Offices (DLNSEO) is sponsored by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness and is the implementation arm for USD(P&R) provided policy guidance and provides strategic direction and programmatic oversight to the Military Departments, Defense field activities and the Combatant Commands on present and future requirements related to language, regional expertise, and culture.
Is There an Equivalent IC Language Program?
The Intelligence Community Foreign Language programs are governed by the policies of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) appoints the IC SLA who chairs the Foreign Language Executive Committee (FLEXCOM). The FLEXCOM provides a senior-level bridge between the IC’s foreign language substantive experts and IC executives on matters of foreign language readiness and modernization pertinent to the challenges of the 21st century. FLEXCOM membership comprises the SLAs, or an equivalent level senior executive manager, from members in the IC, Defense Intelligence, and other elements of the USG. The FLEXCOM sets the agenda of and drives activities of expert advisory groups that support FLEXCOM initiatives. There are five expert advisory groups: the Education and Instructional Technology Expert Group (EITEG); the Operations Expert Group (OEG); the Technology Expert Group (TEG); the Testing and Assessment Expert Group (TAEG); and the Culture and Regional Knowledge Expert Group (CRKEG). The OUSD(I) is the focal point for all Defense Intelligence-related foreign language and area issues. The Defense Intelligence Foreign Language Area Advisory Group (DIFLAAG) is operated under the guidance of the OUSD(I) Human Capital Management Office (HCMO) and serves as the advisory group to the DoD SLA for policy coordination and oversight of Defense Intelligence foreign language, cultural, and regional requirements, policy and programs. Members of the DIFLAAG include: OUSD(I) – Chair, Military Departments, and Defense Agencies (DIA, NGA, NRO, and NSA).
What Policies Drive The Defense LREC Program and IC Foreign Language Program?
The various responsibilities of the OUSD(P&R) and other organizations within the Defense LREC Program are contained in DoD Directive 5160.41E and DoD Instruction 5160.70. Policies for DoD language testing programs and responsibilities for developing and administering the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) and the Defense Language Proficiency Testing (DLPT) System (to include the foreign language Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)) are contained in DoD Instruction 5160.71. The policy, responsibilities and procedures for Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) and Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) foreign language Skill Proficiency Bonus (SPB) are contained in DoD Instruction 1340.27. The administration of foreign language pay for Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) employees is contained in DoD Instruction 1400.25, Volume 2016. OUSD(I) is currently working on a draft to govern the management of foreign language, and region and culture capabilities within the Defense Intelligence workforce. The responsibilities of the DNI and other IC organizations are contained in ICD 630.
How Are Foreign Languages Assessed?
The DLPT System is the only test battery authorized for assessing an individual’s proficiency in a foreign language and for determining qualification for language pay.
How Are Foreign Language Proficiencies Measured?
Four modalities are used when referring to language proficiency; Listening (L), Reading (R), Speaking (S), and Writing (W). Foreign language proficiency scores are expressed in listening, reading and speaking (L/R/S) format with the associated score (or just the score – 2/2/2). For example, a foreign language proficiency score of L2/R2/S2 represents an ILR Skill Level 2 for listening, reading, and speaking modalities. Scores for each modality are in six levels (0 through 5) with a “plus” sign to express proficiency between the levels. The Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Skill Level Descriptions for Listening, Reading and Speaking is used as a guideline measurement of an individual’s performance for a given modality in government settings. The ILR descriptions for the listening, reading and speaking modalities are the officially recognized criteria for assigning proficiency scores within the DoD and are used in conjunction with the DLPT.
Is Training Offered in Foreign Languages?
Basic acquisition courses are conducted at the DLIFLC in Monterey, California. Training may also be conducted at the Defense Language Institute, Washington, where specific low-enrollment languages are typically taught through a contract administered by DLIFLC. The requirement to attend the basic course at DLIFLC may be waived if a person has demonstrated proficiency in the language on a DLPT. DLIFLC also offers basic enhancement, intermediate and advanced language enhancement, refresher and End-of-Training curricula through resident programs to support organizations in meeting a variety of language needs. DLIFLC also has an extensive non-resident foreign language program providing non-acquisition training for professional and non-professional language groups. There largest online resources are provided by the Joint Language University (JLU), LangNet Mall (Multilingual Advanced Learning On-line) and Global Language Online Support System (GLOSS).
  • JLU is a government sponsored website that hosts multiple data resources and courses for language maintenance and enhancement opportunities. JLU provides thousands of hours of free online training in 80+ languages and 100+ countries and regions. Additional services offered include (not all inclusive list): DLPT5 assessments and study guides, pre-deployment briefs, 38 language keyboards and daily global newspapers.
  • LangNet is an online language learning support system with interactive materials designed for those who want to practice and maintain their target language reading and listening skills. LangNet provides access to over 10,000 learning and assessment objects in more than 40 languages. The focus of the courses is on higher language proficiency levels (2+ and above) and work related tasks. LangNet also includes courses on less commonly taught languages.
  • GLOSS is a DLIFLC program that can be accessed via DLIFLC’s website and contains online language lessons developed for independent learners to provide them with tools for improving their foreign language skills. Reading and listening lessons are based on authentic materials (articles, TV reports, and radio broadcasts) and consist of four to six activities. The activities are accompanied with in-depth feedback that provides learners with thorough explanations and tutoring
Can I Get Paid For Testing In A Foreign Language?
Foreign language proficiency and utilization may be compensated at a rate and in the manner best suited to attract and retain a qualified cadre of foreign language professionals necessary to accomplish the mission. The total amount of language proficiency payment made to DCIPS employees is determined by the individual DoD Component providing it not exceed $55,000 per calendar year. FLPB is authorized for Service members who have been certified by the Secretary of the Military Department concerned as proficient in one or more foreign languages or dialects identified on the DoD Strategic Language List (SLL). Service members must test annually in each language or dialect for which they are receiving FLPB. The monthly rate must not exceed $500 per month for a single foreign language or dialect, or $1,000 per month for two or more foreign languages or dialects. The total annual FLPB amount may not exceed $12,000 for each 1-year period of certification.
Can I get Paid For Using My Regional Expertise and Culture?
Are There DoD and IC Programs Where I Can Go To Request For Foreign Language Support?
The National Language Service Corps (NLSC) is a readily available group of volunteers who provide supplemental language resources to U.S. federal agencies. Whether there is a national need, a regional emergency, or a national security requirement, NLSC Members can assist in filling foreign language gaps with readily available multilingual U.S. citizens. The NLSC website at provides additional information and contacts.

National Virtual Translation Center (NVTC) is a federal government center created to serve the U.S. government’s translation needs. NVTC was established by Congress in 2003 to provide timely and accurate translations in support of national interests and was designated an Intelligence Community Service of Common Concern (SOCC) by the Director of National Intelligence in September 2014. The FBI is designated to manage the NVTC as a SOCC to provide timely, accurate, and cost-effective translation services. NVTC’s mission is to provide and facilitate timely and accurate translation services of foreign language material to the elements of the Intelligence Community and other Federal Government Agencies at the national level. NVTC offers a comprehensive set of language services to the federal government. The NVTC website at provides additional information.

In December 1991, the President signed the National Security Education Act to establish the National Security Education Program (NSEP) to develop a national capacity to understand foreign cultures and languages, strengthen U.S. economic competitiveness, and enhance international cooperation and security. NSEP graduates achieve professional ILR Level 3 proficiency in critical languages and are required to serve for a period of one year as commitment within a national security position. NSEP recipients may be appointed to federal positions under the Schedule A excepted service appointing authority.

The U.S. Army is appointed as the DoD Executive Agent for the contract linguist program and is responsible in overseeing all contracts established specifically for contract linguist foreign language support provided to the DoD Components except for combat support agencies and the United States Special Operations Command.
How Do I Get A Job That Uses My Foreign Language Abilities?
Best method is to access organization websites or through USAJobs. Organizations such as NVTC are always looking for specific languages.
How Do I Assess my Regional Expertise And Culture Knowledge?
The USD(P&R) has developed six RP level guidelines that describe the general characteristics and skill sets that one might expect in DoD personnel rated at that particular RP level. These descriptions allow for rapid identification of personnel with experience and background in a desired region. The attributes are not absolute, rather, the guidelines allow for the possibility that personnel with varied backgrounds can be in the same RP category. These guidelines are intended to assist Service and Defense Agency personnel to identify their members who possess RP expertise. Combatant Commanders are required to articulate their regional expertise personnel requirements in accordance with CJCSI 3126.01A. DLNSEO is currently in the last stages of developing a Regional Proficiency Assessment Tool (RPAT) that will allow members of the military to determine their regional proficiency score based on answers provided via a series of survey questions. OUSD(P&R) expect fielding the RPAT later in 2016.
If an employee is recalled to active military duty, will they still be included in the pay pool? How will they be evaluated and rewarded?
Yes, employees who are absent due to uniformed military service will be considered in the pay pool process. They will be given an increase to maintain their relative position in the pay band. With regard to appraisals, employees who return to their civilian positions following a period of uniformed military service, and who do not have the required 90 days of service under a performance plan during the current rating period, will be awarded a presumptive rating of record. The presumptive rating will be their last summary rating of record prior to departure for uniformed military service, but not less than a summary rating of "Successful" for the rating period that has closed.
How will the DCIPS equivalency protocol be applied to military ranking?
On 31 July 2008, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)) approved the DCIPS pay band military grade equivalencies as follows:
  • DCIPS Band 5     O-6
  • DCIPS Band 4     O-5
  • DCIPS Band 3     O-4
  • DCIPS Band 2     O-3
  • DCIPS Band 1     O-2
How will an employee’s placement in a particular pay band be treated for quarters- purposes at overseas locations?
  • DISES, DISL and pay band 4 and 5 employees will be placed in Quarters Group 2.
  • Employees in pay band 3 will be placed in Quarters Group 3.
  • Pay band 1 and 2 employees will be placed in Quarters Group 4.
  • Further information regarding overseas travel and quarters groups can be found in the Department of State Standardized Regulations.
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions pertaining to leadership development opportunities available to the Defense Intelligence and Security Enterprise civilians.

What is the Role of the OUSDI in managing the quotas for DoD Leadership programs?
All applications for certain centrally managed DoD Leadership Programs are vetted through the respective DoD Under Secretary Offices. In the case of “Intel,” the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (OUSDI) serves the liaison role between the Combat Support Agencies (DIA, NGA, NRO, and NSA) and DoD Leader Development Opportunities. There are equal relationships for applications coming from four other categories, “Army,” “Air force,” “Navy,” and “Fourth Estate.” OUSDI/HCMO coordinates the request for applications, reviews the applications, and ranks them before submitting them to the program managers.
What DoD centrally-managed programs are available to Combat Support Agency personnel?
Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP)
  • QUOTA: Overall, Intel receives 17 quotas.
  • ELIGIBILITY: Currently, you must be a GG 7-12 with an occupational series from the Human Resources, Acquisition, or Financial Management communities. Others are not eligible to apply. This may change in the future.
  • PURPOSE: Successful nominees will be enrolled into a competency-based leadership development program for emerging leaders that provides a comprehensive blueprint for professional development at the Lead Self and Lead Teams/Projects levels on the Department of Defense (DoD) Civilian Leadership Development model.
  • DESCRIPTION: This cohort program consists of five residential courses conducted by TEAM Carney in partnership with FranklinCovey and offers the following courses of instruction: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Communication Advantage, Diversity in the work place and Leadership for non-supervisors. In addition, the DCELP Program Office will offer one additional course of instruction; Leadership Theories/Principles.
  • TERM: April through September. Classes are held in Southbridge, MA. Participants continue to work at their jobs while completing this program, although there may be course work to complete during regular working hours.
Executive Leader Development Program (ELDP)
  • QUOTA: Overall, Intel receives 5 quotas.
  • PURPOSE: The goal of the program is to identify future DoD executives, provide them essential leadership development, and ultimately support the warfighter and combatant commanders. The program was designed for DoD civilians with no prior military training or service and provides civilian employees the warfighter experience to enable them to better understand the needs of the department.
  • DESCRIPTION: The program starts with a two-day orientation in the Washington, DC area and is an opportunity to participate in an exceptional joint civilian training and development experience. Events during the program may require participants to work long hours when deployed, travel on weekends, adjust to rapidly changing conditions and situations, climb three-story nautical ladders, jump from airborne training towers, fly in tactically configured military aircraft, and participate in team sports.
Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP)
  • DESCRIPTION: As endorsed by the Deputy Secretary of Defense, DSLDP is the premier DoD-wide leadership development program for senior Defense civilians and a key component of the Department’s talent management and succession planning strategy. DSLDP was codified in the Department of Defense Instruction 1430.16, “Growing Civilian Leaders.” The program elements are designed to enhance one’s readiness for top leadership positions; however, successful completion of the program does not imply eligibility for or guarantee promotion. DSLDP graduates are expected to be ready and able to return the investment made in them by taking on even more responsible senior leader positions across the Enterprise.
  • QUOTA: Overall, Intel receives 5 quotas.
  • PURPOSE: Created in response to evolving challenges, DSLDP institutes a competency-based approach to the deliberate development of senior civilian leaders with the Enterprise-wide perspective needed to lead organizations, people and programs and achieve results in the Joint, interagency, and multi-national environment.
  • TERM: Two (2) years beginning in March. Schedule includes a 3-month online Defense Strategy Foundation Professional Military Education (PME) prerequisite course, PME, an Experiential Activity (e.g., rotational assignment, Enterprise-wide task force, etc.), three seminars, a structured interview, and an expected outplacement of those graduating from the program.
White House Leadership Development Program (WHLDP)
The White House Leadership Develop (WHLD) Program, sponsored by Executive Office of the President (EOP) and supported by the President’s Management Council (PMC) and the Performance Improvement Council (PIC), will provide a unique growth opportunity focused on developing high-potential career GS-15s and equivalents poised to enter the next generation of career senior executives. Participants will work on the Federal government’s highest priority and highest impact challenges that require the coordination of multiple Federal agencies to succeed. Objectives include:
  • Provide Fellows a broad federal perspective on high-priority challenges and access to senior decision-makers, and to develop Fellows as a cadre of leaders with the skillsets and networks to address challenges through a cross-agency lens and implement solutions across organizational boundaries.
  • Strengthen on-going implementation efforts on specific Administration initiatives (including CAP Goals) that require cross-government coordination, and long-term strategic planning to ensure delivery of tangible results.
What are the eligibility requirements for centrally-managed leadership programs?
Eligibility requirements vary greatly among the DoD Leadership programs.
  • Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP)
    • ELIGIBILITY: GS-7 through GS-12 or equivalent in financial management, human resources and acquisition fields (Acquisition applicants must be on an acquisition coded position description).
  • Executive Leader Development Program (ELDP)
    • ELIGIBILITY: GS-12 through GS-14 or equivalents. Individuals selected must be permanent, fulltime civilians.
  • Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP)
    • ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible to be nominated for admission to DSLDP, an individual must: Be a permanent, full-time civilian employee of the Department of Defense; Occupy, on a permanent basis, a position at grade 15/equivalent or be a GS-14/equivalent with tremendous advancement potential (i.e. Demonstrated work at the next higher level). (Those in other broad-banding systems such as DCIPS or on grade retention should check with their Human Resources advisors);
  • White House Leadership Development Program (WHLDP)
    • ELIGIBILITY: Candidates for this program must be a current career DoD civil servant who meets one of the following criteria:
      1. Approved SES candidates – GS-15 graduates of an agency SES CDP;
      2. GS-15 employees or equivalents currently participating in an agency SES CDP (QRB certified) who have a strong supervisory background; or
      3. High potential GS-15s or equivalents.
How can I apply to a centrally-managed leadership development program?
Employees of NSA, NGA, DIA, and NRO each have to apply through their respective training coordinators. While these are the current names as of this writing, you should be able to inquire at your agency to learn who your training representative is.
  • DIA-Julie DiStefano
  • NGA-Yolanda Ware
  • NRO-Cheryl Trent
  • NSA-Kelly Freeman Garrett
Each leadership program has different application due dates. Please be mindful that your agency’s due date is probably earlier than what is listed as the program’s due date.
Who pays for a centrally-managed leadership development program?
The DoD Leader Development programs, DCELP, ELDP, and DSLDP, each have different tuition and travel costs and different arrangements for payment. It some cases, tuition and some costs are covered by DCPAS, with remaining costs being the obligation of the component. In other cases, all of the tuition, fees, and travel costs are the responsibility of the component. Check with your training coordinator or the DCPAS website for more details.

For the WHLD, the White House covers costs associated with the conduct of a study, including non-local travel, equipment and supplies.
What other training opportunities are available to Defense Intelligence Enterprise employees?
There are several programs offered through the Intelligence Learning Network Programs of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Assistant Director of National Intelligence for Human Capital. See your training coordinator about application requirements and deadlines. POC: Dr. Jeff Anderson, ADNI/HC/ILN, 932-3546 (Secure), 703-874-8219 (Unsecure)
  • Leading the Intelligence Community (LIC)
    Audience: Senior Executives from across the Intelligence Community (IC)
    Duration: 3-weeks, Not contiguous
    Description Designed to engage participants to (i) think strategically and creatively about personal leadership, as well as leading organizations; (2) broaden participant influence over integration and collaboration across the IC, along with our federal, state, local and private sector partners; and (3) increase awareness of IC Integration, collaboration, partner engagement, and information sharing, as well as the issues and priorities IC senior leaders face every day.
  • Integrating the Intelligence Community (IIC)
    Audience: GS-13-15 (or equivalent)
    Duration: 3-weeks online, 4 days in residence
    Using the 2014 NIC, this pr4ogram features engagement with EXCOM/DEXCOM members, presentations form key IC leaders, expert panels, facilitated discussions, and various exercises designed to (1) explore the rationale behind integration, the authorities that shape it, strategies they guide it, partnerships that bolster it, and emerging opportunities to exploit its benefits (2) help officers develop a collaborative, Community –centric mindset to more effectively address rapidly evolving threats in a budget-constrained environment; and (3) build/enhance a cross-Community network that leverages the expertise of both IC and non-traditional partners alike.
  • Understanding the Intelligence Community (UIC)
    Audience: Any grade IC Professional with less than 5 years experience in the IC
    Duration: 3 weeks online, 4 days in residence
    Description: This program is designed to (1) explore the global threat environment and the unique capabilities of the IC elements to address the treats; (2) introduce integration and collaboration as a key strategy to address national security challenges and demonstrates impact through a multi-Agency perspective of the Bin Laden Takedown; and (3) introduce the importance of oversight (Congressional, Budget and Civil Liberties/Privacy) to the IC mission.
  • Introduction to the Intelligence Community
    Audience: All of the IC; federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement; Federal Intelligence Coordination Offices; federal departmental partners; Legislative and Judicial Branches; and U.S. military; contractors may take with contracting officer permission.
    Duration: Self-paced
    Description: This online course explains the advantages of integration, collaboration, and information sharing. It also provides information on how to expand a professional network. It is designed for intelligence and law enforcment professionals and others in a national security, homeland security, or law enforcement who seek to understand how they play a part in efforts to protect our nation, its interests, and its allies.

    Your agency may also provide funding for you to attend other government and non-government leadership development programs. For further information on Leadership Development Programs, you may review the lists located at the following links on the DITEB Web site.


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